Tuesday, July 29, 2008

updates and catch up

Time to catch up after a long lay-off.

Barak if you enjoy Europe so much stay there. It is probably not as mean a place as the USA. I can just picture a Obama White House with Wright, and the others in position of some sort of power, or sleeping the Lincoln bedroom. There is way to much negative for him to win this election starting with inexperience, lack of any substance unless he is reading from a prompter, to all the "situations" with his associations, on and on. As far as not picking on the wife, if you allow her to speak on your behalf and for the campaign and spout your philosophy then what she says and how she says it are fair game. Obama is NOT a friend of Israel for that matter, what has any Democrat really done for Israel? He and they tell one group one thing then the next day recant and change the meaning of what they said. Wake up people of Israel, and Jews in the U. S. It is time to dump the Democrats. Lieberman did and he is better off for it.

They finally jumped the shark-our global warming nut jobs and their great leader Al, now they blame kidney stones on global warming according to a Univ. of Texas study. Give me a break. What ever happened to global cooling from a few years ago? Has it occurred to anyone that the changes are the normal course of the earths evolution. We may and I say may hesitantly, be causing some degree of that change but I bet the volcanoes, and the methane from dinosaur dung did a lot worse.

This big argument about not drilling for oil because it will be 10 yrs to get results etc. needs to go away and fast. First of all, it will not take 10 yrs. Secondly, even if it did, so what-start now and we wont have such a big problem in 10 yrs. Drilling along with the other sources, solar, wind, and nuke, need to be started NOW. What is the objection by the Democrats? If it were to take 10 yrs, who cares it is on the oil companies not on Congress. Give up the partisanship.

What is with Spain giving human rights to Apes??

Now lets discuss that wonderful organization, La Raza: A couple of their web site overviews leave a lot to desire. As for drivers licenses, their site says, "denying undocumented immigrants access to driver’s licenses and have the potential to exclude legal immigrants and even U.S. citizens from state-issued identification documents. That is BS. Lets worry about the "potential" when and if it happens. As for now, and as it should be for ever in the future, those illegals of any race, culture, ethnicity etc. or as La Raza calls them undocumented immigrants, should not be allowed and are not entitled to drivers licenses, or any other "rights" as afforded to legal citizens of the U.S. If they, the illegals, do not like the way things are here, go home. That is where you belong anyway. Those that support or encourage illegal entry and immigration , should be prosecuted. Why do you think it is called illegal? What would happen to a U.S. citizen who was found to be in another country, any country, illegally?

On the language issue, you are in America, not Mexico, not El Salvador, not any other country. Speak or learn to speak the language in order to "get along" in the business and legal world here. Other than in most major tourist areas of foreign countries the language used is not that of English but the language of the country you are in. You either learn to speak or hope you find an English speaking person. Again, if you don't like the way we run our country go home, and go now.

La Raza with its radical agenda is borderline terrorist, and should be handled as such.

Even worse in my mind are cities such as San Francisco. Breaking the law in becoming a sanctuary city should be punished by the feds. The mayor should be arrested if for no other charge of aiding and encouraging illegal activity. Federal funds should be withheld from that city as long as they are breaking the law. A boycott needs to be put into effect for tourism, and business with these individuals and officials. I feel for the citizens, but then again, you all voted these morons into office. How about voting them out and getting back to being the great city that you once were. As for the military in SF. If they don't want you there, pull out and see how they like the lack of funds from everything from allowing members of the military to visit there to having installations in the SF area.