Friday, January 8, 2010

Time for updates

Where to begin is always the dilemma. So much has happened since last May, it gives one a headache. There is not enough time or space to go on about the Health Care situation other than to say, if it passes a lot of Dem. heads will roll and even if it does not pass, a lot of Dem heads will roll. Some are already out or on the way out.

Good by and good riddance Sen. Chris Dodd. I hope you take others with you. He must be getting out because his ego and arrogance wont let him loose the next election. Especially when he knows that his opponents will surely bring up all the shady deals and corruption of his past years-mortgage loans, Irish houses, etc.

As an aside on the latest attack by the "isolated extremest", as incompetent as Michael Leitman appears to be as head of the National Counter-terrorism Center ( Connect the Dots Agency), we should be glad he took the 7 day vacation. Just think of what would have come from that office if here were there during all that time. Cant fault him, after all the boss (Pres. Obama) didn't interrupt his vacation for this minor little happening. Can we all say one term wonder!!

Has there ever been a time when we have had more inexperienced, incompetent, undeserving, crooked, set of czars and appointees? This is worse than the Carter years. Speaking of whom, now after all the years of kissing up to the trouble makers in the Middle East, he is now asking for forgiveness from Israel. What is up with that BS?

I thought that I had heard just about everything until I read the column in today's (Jan 8) USA Today by Julianne Malveaux. Never thought that I would hear that climate change is now a race issue. Did you know that Blacks cause less greenhouse gas (20% less according to her) BUT, bear the greater burden in terms of pollution & climate change. The impact of climate change falls most heavily on "people of color" because the reside in urban areas. Thank you Black Caucus. Just one more thing to keep us separate so you and the Sharptons and Jacksons can justify your feeble existence. What about all the whites and "people of non-color" that reside in urban areas??

Can Nancy Pelosi get any scarier?? Have you seen the latest sound bite from here when questioned about the lack of transparency in the current health bill buy offs? Her cackle is worse than Hillarys. Sure wish C-Span would force the camera issue through a law suit of some sort. Did I mention-bye bye Nancy, one can only hope. If not totally from the House, at least as speaker after the Nov. elections.

A word about conceal carry. It is legal, live with it!! The bad guys don't care about the laws, and it is always the innocent that get hurt.

And finally, I thought I had heard all of the worst, most damaging sound bites over the past tow or three years, but while I was watching a Nat Geo show on the Viet Nam war, they replayed the clip of Walter Cronkite stating that the war would at best would end in a stalemate. Of course the geniuses in Washington followed his so knowledgeable lead and began to pull out, slow down, run. Lets not listen to those on the ground doing the fighting, sound familiar here?