Tuesday, December 2, 2008

latest updates

So sorry for not keeping up. I will do better.

The voice clip on George Snuffleufagas praising the anointed one is even better if you listen the guest right after George who blows him out of the water. Why no blame for the big stock dive of yesterday if we give him praise for the rise the day before?

Just for the record, I am opposed to the auto bailout. The big three will just take the money and do more of the same. They really need to do a Chapt. 11, and restructure getting rid of unprofitable vehicle lines, over stuffed pay and benefits to the union, etc. Lower pay and benefits is better than no pay, no job.

You should look at the front page picture in todays Post. Check the look on Bidens face as the group is walking off stage with Obama and Hillary arm in arm. He looks like a lost sole. f The lost sole that he is and will be.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

updates and catch up

Time to catch up after a long lay-off.

Barak if you enjoy Europe so much stay there. It is probably not as mean a place as the USA. I can just picture a Obama White House with Wright, and the others in position of some sort of power, or sleeping the Lincoln bedroom. There is way to much negative for him to win this election starting with inexperience, lack of any substance unless he is reading from a prompter, to all the "situations" with his associations, on and on. As far as not picking on the wife, if you allow her to speak on your behalf and for the campaign and spout your philosophy then what she says and how she says it are fair game. Obama is NOT a friend of Israel for that matter, what has any Democrat really done for Israel? He and they tell one group one thing then the next day recant and change the meaning of what they said. Wake up people of Israel, and Jews in the U. S. It is time to dump the Democrats. Lieberman did and he is better off for it.

They finally jumped the shark-our global warming nut jobs and their great leader Al, now they blame kidney stones on global warming according to a Univ. of Texas study. Give me a break. What ever happened to global cooling from a few years ago? Has it occurred to anyone that the changes are the normal course of the earths evolution. We may and I say may hesitantly, be causing some degree of that change but I bet the volcanoes, and the methane from dinosaur dung did a lot worse.

This big argument about not drilling for oil because it will be 10 yrs to get results etc. needs to go away and fast. First of all, it will not take 10 yrs. Secondly, even if it did, so what-start now and we wont have such a big problem in 10 yrs. Drilling along with the other sources, solar, wind, and nuke, need to be started NOW. What is the objection by the Democrats? If it were to take 10 yrs, who cares it is on the oil companies not on Congress. Give up the partisanship.

What is with Spain giving human rights to Apes??

Now lets discuss that wonderful organization, La Raza: A couple of their web site overviews leave a lot to desire. As for drivers licenses, their site says, "denying undocumented immigrants access to driver’s licenses and have the potential to exclude legal immigrants and even U.S. citizens from state-issued identification documents. That is BS. Lets worry about the "potential" when and if it happens. As for now, and as it should be for ever in the future, those illegals of any race, culture, ethnicity etc. or as La Raza calls them undocumented immigrants, should not be allowed and are not entitled to drivers licenses, or any other "rights" as afforded to legal citizens of the U.S. If they, the illegals, do not like the way things are here, go home. That is where you belong anyway. Those that support or encourage illegal entry and immigration , should be prosecuted. Why do you think it is called illegal? What would happen to a U.S. citizen who was found to be in another country, any country, illegally?

On the language issue, you are in America, not Mexico, not El Salvador, not any other country. Speak or learn to speak the language in order to "get along" in the business and legal world here. Other than in most major tourist areas of foreign countries the language used is not that of English but the language of the country you are in. You either learn to speak or hope you find an English speaking person. Again, if you don't like the way we run our country go home, and go now.

La Raza with its radical agenda is borderline terrorist, and should be handled as such.

Even worse in my mind are cities such as San Francisco. Breaking the law in becoming a sanctuary city should be punished by the feds. The mayor should be arrested if for no other charge of aiding and encouraging illegal activity. Federal funds should be withheld from that city as long as they are breaking the law. A boycott needs to be put into effect for tourism, and business with these individuals and officials. I feel for the citizens, but then again, you all voted these morons into office. How about voting them out and getting back to being the great city that you once were. As for the military in SF. If they don't want you there, pull out and see how they like the lack of funds from everything from allowing members of the military to visit there to having installations in the SF area.

Friday, May 2, 2008

The big Global Warming fraud

Just a word about this issue. Al Gore, former VP, and Nobel Peace Prize winner, is a fraud. Have you seen the news regarding the fake digitalizing of a styrofoam model for the scene from the ice shelf? which would lead one to wonder what else in the film or the whole issue for that matter, is fake. Follow the money. Why does big Al always blow off anyone, regardless of their esteemed credentials, who does not agree with him and his scientists? Remember there was an Ice Age a long time ago, and then, wonder of wonders, global warming, and they receded. Now we are here. What is it with all those "former" democratic politicians that think they should continue to intervene in our lives after they are gone and out of office. If it isn't Jimmy Carter, it is Al Gore or Bill Clinton. Why cant they just go a way and be quiet! There is a reason their title includes the term "former".

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Someone should take Jimmy Carters passport away. If any of us normal people took the same trip we would in all probability be put in jail when we returned. He obviously has no respect for our governments position with regard to dealing with terrorists or terrorist leaders. A sure sign of his advancing age, now he claims to not have had any warning to not go from our State Dept. Jimmy, you should have stayed-there. We have no need for you here. You are a self important ego maniac that cannot realize that you are a past president, not a current one and certainly not currently relevant. I am truly surprised that Israel even let him stop there.

Here is an idea in dealing with the current "go green" life style. Since we are using a great deal of our corn and soy bean crops for bio-diesel and ethanol, why not get those farmers in Afghanistan to dump their poppy crops to grow the corn and soy beans. That way we would not deplete our supply of those crops causing shortages, increased food prices etc.

How is this for a big carbon foot print in the %^&*() for Al Gore-we now find out that a portion of his award winning movie is fake, taken from a Styrofoam mock up used for some other purpose and digitally put into his film to show the ice shelf. Isn't that just dandy, what else is there in his film or for that matter all of his preachings, that is false, fake, or a lie? How inconvenient. I just don't buy into that global warming idea. The earth has been going from warm to cold since the big bang. Take a cruise up to Alaska and listen to the Park Rangers tell you about how some glaciers are receding while others are actually growing. That alone will make you stop and think about the false truths of global warming. Follow the money-when and why did Al decide to get into this field? Must have been after he invented the Internet or was it after he became the object of "Love Story" the movie.

So Hillary dodged all those sniper bullets and won in PA. She still cant win at the convention unless there is some back room underhanded deals made, and I am sure that the Clinton's would never stoop to that level. Either way, either candidate coming out of the convention will not win in October. Both have way to much baggage now to over ride McCain. The Democrat race is truly a race of the lesser of two evils. I don't buy the spin that Hillary misspoke due to being tired etc. The same bs story was spit out in writing in her book and a couple of times verbally. Just a plain lie.

Obama has received the political kiss of death-he now has the support of Michael Moore. Now there is a great endorsement. We all just want to follow his example don't we??

What are the chances that if we cut back on our usage of gas that the gas companies will continue to raise prices due to reduced profits from our reduced usage?

Another solution to a sensitive problem. For those that clamor for us to not separate the families of illegals here in our country when the illegal is returned home, send them all back. That way they wont be separated. The adults that come here illegally should know the potential risk of getting caught and what the end result will be. If they choose to have a family here, and those who are here legally or are already citizens that decide to make a family with an illegal, they are very selfish knowing that eventually the family will be broken up, or a burden will be placed on the children. Keep them together, send them all home when caught.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I don't know which is more absurd, Obama not knowing what the preacher said for over 20years, or Hillary dodging sniper fire in Bosnia. Sorry Dems, two great liars, not misspeak, but liars. Either way you loose in November.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Almost time for the boat to go into the water. It has been a long winter. Right now she is getting a bottom painting, and then it will take a few days to clean her up from the winter. She is a 1998 Catalina 250 WB (water ballast) in excellent condition, located on Lake Carlyle at Tradewinds Marina. I purchased a new light air sail last year that I still have yet to try out. Looking for "crew" to join me anytime during the week. If you enjoy spending the day or part of the day sailing, and want to go out on the lake, let me know.

Time to Catch up

So much happens when I don't keep up. Now I have to really get into it on the political arena.

I feel sorry for the Democrats, you really don't have much of a choice. One with no record of any significant achievement, and limited voting, the other with a record that no one wants to bring up again-travelgate, fostergate, recordsgate, monicagate, health insurancegate....don't let the gate hit you in the rear on the way out!!

Please tell me what is with the extra names? sometimes it is Hillary Clinton and others Hillary Rodham Clinton, guess it depends on who she wants to impress. And why are we not seeing Hussein in between the Barack and the Obama? I think that Obama is now done for it, thanks to his preacher. He spent over 20 yrs there hearing all this tripe, obviously it effected Mrs. Obama, just listen to her misguided oratory. Not proud of this country, then go somewhere else, and take Barack with you.

Now lets address the ungrateful anti Americans, Code Pink! Very appropriate color , pink. That used to be the color associated with communism-pinko! Might I remind you that there is no "first amendment right" to disturb the peaceful legal operation of any other person or organization no matter how much you disagree with their message. Pink has no 1st amendment right to disrupt the function of the recruiters. Try reading the 1st amendment!

Speaking about the 1st amendment, lets discuss this reporter formerly of USA Today, Locy. Again using the 1st Amendment for ill gotten gains (information). How do we know if her whole story was not made up? The argument about revealing sources will cause whistleblowers to not report problems is bogus. There are now laws protecting whistleblowers, they do not need to be hidden. What revealing, at the order of the court, those sources will eliminate those whistleblowers that are not providing truthful information. Glenn H Reynolds in USA Today of 3/10 got it right-ther is no provlidge violated here, the reporter is free to write (1st amendment) but not to hide behind privilege to shield sources especially when the courts direct release of that information. This is a Nation of Laws and if you cant follow the law, find somewhere else to practice your profession. Now she is poisoning the minds of students.

Last update: Al Sharpton, please please go away and shut up!!! Can we make it any clearer? You have to stick your racist face into everyones business but your own? You are a first class hypocrit. You have no business with any comment about Tiger Woods and the reporter, that is Tigers business to handle and I do not remember seeing anywhere that he requested your help. Calling for people to be fired when the say things that while are not acceptable, but certainly not as bad as the hatemongoring you bellow, is not for you to decide. If that were the case you would have been gone long ago.

Florida, Michigan-you knew the rule before you screwed up and tried to be the big man on campus by rushing ahead in the primary. Now suffer the results of your party leadership irresponsabilty.

Geraldine Ferraro got it right. He would not be there today if the climate was not ripe for a black man at this time. No more than when she was running for VP, or Kennedy ran and was Catholic. Timing!

Monday, February 25, 2008

A Corvair in every garage

Please,, Ralph, go home. Get in your Corvair and get home before you hurt yourself. You rank right up there with the other inconsequential blowhards like Sharpton and Jackson. Is your ego so big that you really think you matter anymore?

As for Israel, enough already-go get the scum suckers once and for all. The normal (?) people of Gaza don't want to live like this but have no chance with the idiots who run the area. The people of Israel deserve better. Go in and finish it and stop living in fear.

One last thought for today-bye bye Hillary, I hope you and your Willy will finally trot off into the sunset and shut up. Do your job that you were elected to, that of Senator and lets see if you can get reelected.

It is almost time for sailing. Then we get another snow storm. Mexico here I come, well at least for a week in the sun.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Todays insight

What a choice the Democrats have. One with NO record of much of anything on the policitcally necessary side to be a leader let alone a President. The other with such a record that she would be an embarassment, along with her husband, as a leader or President. For all of his faults, McCain is looking better and better.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

good guys win again

Congratulations to whom ever it was that arranged the elimination of Imad Mughniyah from the love group Hizballah. My only criticism is that it took so long and probably was not painful enough. May he rest with the pigs


If any of you vets out there happen to read this, please remeber that if you need any assistance in obtaining replacements of your medals and awards, or want to put together a display, contact me. Glad to help, no charge. See below post for some of my work on two World War II displays.


Here we go with our Congress taking time away from important issues to deal with sports. In the first place who do you believe?? He said He said?? If I was a juror in this case, I would have to go with Clemens. Who in their right mind could believe a former police officer who just happend to keep gauze, needles etc., with blood and dna for all those years. Sounds a little bit like a blackmail attempt that got turned down. In a real court, not the kangaroo court of the congress, all that would not be allowed in as evidence. No way of knowing when the blood, dna, steroids were added to the items and in what order. Clemens gets my vote in this one. Or as that moron tried to say-It is what it is. Like I really believed that he knew he was being taped. For a former cop he isnt to smart-maybe that is why he is a former cop. Dont even get me started on the Senators at the hearing, what an embarassment .


Time to play catch up. It begins with sports. What does Congress think it is doing trying to police and control baseball? They cant even take care of their own house. More on this in sports. However, Polosi needs to go along with dear Mr. Reid. What a bunch of lame loosers. Moving on, it appears that Mrs. Bill is done, hopefully anyway. The worst of the two may be Obama. Talk about all bark no bite-all I hear is change change change, and what he is going to do, but never hear about how and more importantly who is going to pay for it all. What a naive and inexperienced Senator. The people in Illinois have really been short changed in electing him. He has done nothing for you since taking office. Then again what has Hillary done for anyone lately. The thought of her and Willy in my White House gives me chills. What a major arrogant self important pair of habitual liars. There isnt enough room here to list all of the baggage that they will bring back to the White House.

McCain is not all that much better but he is the lesser of the evils. He is more Democrate/liberal than many Democrates. Does anyone remember when he was kissing up to Kerry?? Where is Fred when you really need him.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year

I hope all have a happy and prospersous and healthy new year. More posts on sailing, polictics, and general insterest in the coming days.