Thursday, February 14, 2008


Here we go with our Congress taking time away from important issues to deal with sports. In the first place who do you believe?? He said He said?? If I was a juror in this case, I would have to go with Clemens. Who in their right mind could believe a former police officer who just happend to keep gauze, needles etc., with blood and dna for all those years. Sounds a little bit like a blackmail attempt that got turned down. In a real court, not the kangaroo court of the congress, all that would not be allowed in as evidence. No way of knowing when the blood, dna, steroids were added to the items and in what order. Clemens gets my vote in this one. Or as that moron tried to say-It is what it is. Like I really believed that he knew he was being taped. For a former cop he isnt to smart-maybe that is why he is a former cop. Dont even get me started on the Senators at the hearing, what an embarassment .

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