Friday, March 14, 2008

Time to Catch up

So much happens when I don't keep up. Now I have to really get into it on the political arena.

I feel sorry for the Democrats, you really don't have much of a choice. One with no record of any significant achievement, and limited voting, the other with a record that no one wants to bring up again-travelgate, fostergate, recordsgate, monicagate, health insurancegate....don't let the gate hit you in the rear on the way out!!

Please tell me what is with the extra names? sometimes it is Hillary Clinton and others Hillary Rodham Clinton, guess it depends on who she wants to impress. And why are we not seeing Hussein in between the Barack and the Obama? I think that Obama is now done for it, thanks to his preacher. He spent over 20 yrs there hearing all this tripe, obviously it effected Mrs. Obama, just listen to her misguided oratory. Not proud of this country, then go somewhere else, and take Barack with you.

Now lets address the ungrateful anti Americans, Code Pink! Very appropriate color , pink. That used to be the color associated with communism-pinko! Might I remind you that there is no "first amendment right" to disturb the peaceful legal operation of any other person or organization no matter how much you disagree with their message. Pink has no 1st amendment right to disrupt the function of the recruiters. Try reading the 1st amendment!

Speaking about the 1st amendment, lets discuss this reporter formerly of USA Today, Locy. Again using the 1st Amendment for ill gotten gains (information). How do we know if her whole story was not made up? The argument about revealing sources will cause whistleblowers to not report problems is bogus. There are now laws protecting whistleblowers, they do not need to be hidden. What revealing, at the order of the court, those sources will eliminate those whistleblowers that are not providing truthful information. Glenn H Reynolds in USA Today of 3/10 got it right-ther is no provlidge violated here, the reporter is free to write (1st amendment) but not to hide behind privilege to shield sources especially when the courts direct release of that information. This is a Nation of Laws and if you cant follow the law, find somewhere else to practice your profession. Now she is poisoning the minds of students.

Last update: Al Sharpton, please please go away and shut up!!! Can we make it any clearer? You have to stick your racist face into everyones business but your own? You are a first class hypocrit. You have no business with any comment about Tiger Woods and the reporter, that is Tigers business to handle and I do not remember seeing anywhere that he requested your help. Calling for people to be fired when the say things that while are not acceptable, but certainly not as bad as the hatemongoring you bellow, is not for you to decide. If that were the case you would have been gone long ago.

Florida, Michigan-you knew the rule before you screwed up and tried to be the big man on campus by rushing ahead in the primary. Now suffer the results of your party leadership irresponsabilty.

Geraldine Ferraro got it right. He would not be there today if the climate was not ripe for a black man at this time. No more than when she was running for VP, or Kennedy ran and was Catholic. Timing!

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