I need to catch up since it has been some time since my last entry, probably around Thanksgiving. A few points of interest.
I purchased a T-Shirt during a recent visit to the Pentagon. Get this-the label says, knitted in the USA, Assembled in Honduras. Assembled?? I cant believe that there is that much savings to put the cloth together in another country, especially when you consider packaging, shipping etc. in both directions, there and back. What a great place to visit, Washington DC. Everyone needs to go there at least one time in your life.
I see where the Democrats once again have stepped up and done the right thing. Now they will fund the troops and include a time table to pull out. Haven't you tried that before? They must like that VETO stamp. An how, pray tell, do they think that the limitation of funds will have "no impact to troop readiness until 3/2008"? Once again that wind bag Murtha speaks but nothing comes out. We aren't worried about readiness, we are worried about current time. Today and tomorrow John.
Who was it that stated that the border fence would be an environmental disaster? Next they will try to tell us that we will need to get carbon credits for the big foot print.
The world needs to prop up the government of Abbas and show the Palestinians in Gaza what peaceful life and economy can be like. Maybe then they will get rid of that Hamas scum that is holding them hostage. Much like the East/West Berlin situation, someday the Gaza will join society in a peaceful way, if the people rise up and dump them. In the meantime, those in the West Bank will enjoy the fruits of freedom and a peaceful life.
As a note on the Holiday season, Wal-Mart must be doing something right. We shop there, and they are profitable.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Crazies All Around Us
The latest from our Islamo Nut jobs! Lets execute the teacher who named a teddy bear Mohammad. Yes of course we should after all that is one of the most heinous crimes occurring at this moment in the Sudan, that they have to deal with. Not the death and destruction in Darfor, but a teddy bear with a name. The real shame here is on the children for naming the teddy, and their parents who have not taught them that this would be a capital offense. Abdul-Jalil Nazeer al-Karouri needs to have his head unscrewed. People like him do not deserve the positions that they are given in the community as religious leaders. Kill the teacher but ignore Darfor-you sir are an embarrassment not only to your religion but to humanity. Those that took to the streets in their fiend rage need to look into the mirror and put that energy into helping their brothers in Darfor and elsewhere. Get a life you morons!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Things that are done & Unamerican
Three things that are done and qualify-Redacted, Rosie and no English language. Rosie you are so done, finished, over with. You 15 min of fame are over. No one but the fanatics want to hear your dribble. Anti American, Anti Troop, Anti Human. Go away to someplace that we don't have to view you or hear you. What you say is irrelevant, uneducated, and just plane incorrect and wrong.
Redacted-don't go to see it, don't pay for it, boycott it. It is tripe. Protest it. What crap
To those that do not want to use the English language here in the U.S.A in public discourse or business transaction. Go home. Can you imagine if one of us were to protest in Mexico that the locals would not speak English for us. That would last long. To the LA school board that wants to hold its meeting in Spanish-don't, cant shouldn't. If you want to hold your public meeting in a language that is not the accepted language of the country-go to the country that accepts that language, and get out of mine.
Redacted-don't go to see it, don't pay for it, boycott it. It is tripe. Protest it. What crap
To those that do not want to use the English language here in the U.S.A in public discourse or business transaction. Go home. Can you imagine if one of us were to protest in Mexico that the locals would not speak English for us. That would last long. To the LA school board that wants to hold its meeting in Spanish-don't, cant shouldn't. If you want to hold your public meeting in a language that is not the accepted language of the country-go to the country that accepts that language, and get out of mine.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
On the Road

This is coming to you from the road. In Baltimore, again. Just a couple of thoughts as we go in to Veterans Day. Happy Birthday to the Marines!! Have you honored a vet today? this week maybe? How about ever. Here is an idea, next time you notice a vet or an active duty soldier out at the restaurant, especially when they are with their family, pick up the tab.
A note to vets, and their families, if you need any assistance in researching prior military service and/or obtaining replacement medals and awards, let me know. I will assist at no charge. I have done this for my father (WWII, 60th Inf Reg., 9th Inf), my Uncle (WWII U S Navy, Petty Officer 1st Class Aviation Radio Technician), and for a neighbors father (WWII Army Air Force fighter pilot). All were unaware of some of the awards and medals that they were entitled to. For those that may have noticed, the 9th patch is up side down-but has been corrected in the presentation frame.
A few notes from travels. Those of you that feel compelled to wear those Blue Tooth phone things in your ear out in public-DON'T. Are you aware of just how ridiculous you look to everyone else. You want to wear them in the car-great idea and safe. Wear them at the office or around the house because you are so important that an ordinary cell phone or desk phone just wont do, great also. But out in public you look like a Star Wars wanna be. I actually saw a guy wearing one in the movie theater with that little light glowing. Worked great for mister self important until he forgot where he was and started talking. I don't know when it became such a fashion statement but it isn't, just ask those around you, if you could hear them with one ear working.
Anyone out there sail? Love it. Been doing it for 30 years. We have a large man made lake near here and I go there as often as possible. It is very relaxing, and quiet. Not like our fellow boaters that chug along causing havoc with their carbon foot print. More on that later. Time to watch some politics on the tube and see who has made a fool of them self again.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Another Day of It
Are we getting the whole story or do "they" think we are morons. In the beginning the big jump in gas, remember when it was in the $.90s??, was due to the cost of a barrel of crude. Then crude prices went up and up and gas either stayed level or, like here in the mid-west,, it actually dropped. Now the price of crude was level for a while and prices went up-that was due to the fear of some disruption or something like that. Prices for crude go up again and now gas is up again. Go figure!! my back hurts from bending over so much.
Please, Al, shut up already. I know just where to put a carbon foot print for you. A few convenient truths that are true (and not exaggerated): man has probably contributed to some warming but did it ever occur to you that there has been this ebb and flow of warm and cold for eons? Remember the ice age? Not more than 20 years ago everyone was worried about the earth cooling. It is a natural evolution-warm then cold then warm. Nothing we do or don't do will change that other than to make our lives more inconvenient and costly. I don't know about you big Al, but I don't have the money or the time to worry about a carbon foot print or buying one back or whatever they call it. I have planted a number of trees and shrubs in my back yard, does that count? Can I now drive my SUV to work? or should I walk?
What a dumb cop Peterson is. Did he not watch enough CSI and Criminal Intent to know that the spouse is ALWAYS the first one looked at, and usually the one who did it. Not to mention this is #4? Another moron on the loose soon to be put away.
Speaking of put away, I think it will be safe to mail my "I am gonna miss you" card to OJ. Sure hope they get him this time. The only down side to his going away for this latest ego trip will be, who will take up the hunt for his ex-wife's and Ron Goldman's killer? Call Cold Cases.
What is the word on your local paper? Mine is great, if you want to use it for a bird cage bottom, or to wrap trash. Aside from very limited national news, there were 31 pages without any ads in the sports section, 4 full pages of ads, and only 10 pages of news without any ads. the other pages that were supposed to be news would have only one or two articles, short ones at that and then more ads. Not long ago we had a front page full color picture with 4 or 5 columns above the fold, on a husband and wife that fish by hand. The picture was of the two of them (yes there were a few teeth to be seen, but not many) waist deep in the creek or river trying to catch fish by hand. And we wonder why we are not a major mid west city of any importance. We are not even a air line hub anymore.
I am so glad the our great congress, Senate and House, were not around back in the WWII times. Can you just imagine!! After Pearl Harbor hearing - well I voted for the war before I voted against it. Or lets fund the troops but not enough to finish the job, so the President will have to bring them home. What would have happened to a Senator or Congressman who made a speech back then claiming that the war was lost? What do you think Harry??
By the way, NO to drivers licenses or any other type of ID for illegals of any ethnicity. Isn't that called aiding and abetting? or contributing after that fact. The only ID I want to see on an illegal is the ICE ID so they can board the deportation bus. It is illegal to assist someone in the commission of a crime, and it is a crime to be in the U.S. illegally. Don't play the violin and give me the tears about the family that is left behind or the kids who will be without there father or mother. Mom and Dad should have thought about that when they came here and reproduced. There is a very humane solution to that issue-send them all back together. What would happen to you or me if, now here is a stretch, we decided to stay over from our visa or snuck over into Mexico to go live in say Playa or Cancun or any other of the resort areas. You can be sure that there would be no outcry from the Mexican politicians to give us ID cards or drivers licenses, or amnesty. We would be lucky to get a meal in the jail that they would put us in.
Remind me at my next press conference to plant some good questions to make myself look good in the eyes of the audience. First the clown in Washington at the Homeland Security or where ever he was from, and then Hillary. It would have been really great if one of the students would have agreed to do the staged question, and then sub in one of there own. That would have really been worth watching. The poor excuse for a debate, better named a sound bite bit, are not worth taking the time to waste. I need that time to catch fish by hand in the river near by.
Please, Al, shut up already. I know just where to put a carbon foot print for you. A few convenient truths that are true (and not exaggerated): man has probably contributed to some warming but did it ever occur to you that there has been this ebb and flow of warm and cold for eons? Remember the ice age? Not more than 20 years ago everyone was worried about the earth cooling. It is a natural evolution-warm then cold then warm. Nothing we do or don't do will change that other than to make our lives more inconvenient and costly. I don't know about you big Al, but I don't have the money or the time to worry about a carbon foot print or buying one back or whatever they call it. I have planted a number of trees and shrubs in my back yard, does that count? Can I now drive my SUV to work? or should I walk?
What a dumb cop Peterson is. Did he not watch enough CSI and Criminal Intent to know that the spouse is ALWAYS the first one looked at, and usually the one who did it. Not to mention this is #4? Another moron on the loose soon to be put away.
Speaking of put away, I think it will be safe to mail my "I am gonna miss you" card to OJ. Sure hope they get him this time. The only down side to his going away for this latest ego trip will be, who will take up the hunt for his ex-wife's and Ron Goldman's killer? Call Cold Cases.
What is the word on your local paper? Mine is great, if you want to use it for a bird cage bottom, or to wrap trash. Aside from very limited national news, there were 31 pages without any ads in the sports section, 4 full pages of ads, and only 10 pages of news without any ads. the other pages that were supposed to be news would have only one or two articles, short ones at that and then more ads. Not long ago we had a front page full color picture with 4 or 5 columns above the fold, on a husband and wife that fish by hand. The picture was of the two of them (yes there were a few teeth to be seen, but not many) waist deep in the creek or river trying to catch fish by hand. And we wonder why we are not a major mid west city of any importance. We are not even a air line hub anymore.
I am so glad the our great congress, Senate and House, were not around back in the WWII times. Can you just imagine!! After Pearl Harbor hearing - well I voted for the war before I voted against it. Or lets fund the troops but not enough to finish the job, so the President will have to bring them home. What would have happened to a Senator or Congressman who made a speech back then claiming that the war was lost? What do you think Harry??
By the way, NO to drivers licenses or any other type of ID for illegals of any ethnicity. Isn't that called aiding and abetting? or contributing after that fact. The only ID I want to see on an illegal is the ICE ID so they can board the deportation bus. It is illegal to assist someone in the commission of a crime, and it is a crime to be in the U.S. illegally. Don't play the violin and give me the tears about the family that is left behind or the kids who will be without there father or mother. Mom and Dad should have thought about that when they came here and reproduced. There is a very humane solution to that issue-send them all back together. What would happen to you or me if, now here is a stretch, we decided to stay over from our visa or snuck over into Mexico to go live in say Playa or Cancun or any other of the resort areas. You can be sure that there would be no outcry from the Mexican politicians to give us ID cards or drivers licenses, or amnesty. We would be lucky to get a meal in the jail that they would put us in.
Remind me at my next press conference to plant some good questions to make myself look good in the eyes of the audience. First the clown in Washington at the Homeland Security or where ever he was from, and then Hillary. It would have been really great if one of the students would have agreed to do the staged question, and then sub in one of there own. That would have really been worth watching. The poor excuse for a debate, better named a sound bite bit, are not worth taking the time to waste. I need that time to catch fish by hand in the river near by.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Veterans Day
What a great day to begin the blog. To honor our vets from all wars. past and present. While we are on the subject what is this BS of give them a little $$ and bring them home. Since when did Harry and Nancy become the experts in military affairs. They need to spend some quality time on the ground in the dirt and see just what is going on. Way to much reliance on the "arm chair" Generals. Thank you for your service, but take a lesson from those that have done it right-Stormin Norman, and Tommy Franks, neither of these fine gentlemen are seen blabbering about what they would have should have our could have done. More on these issues in future issues
Many (who are these many anyway) say that we should not compare this effort to that of WWII. I say that there are many many similarities that need to be compared. Not the least of which is the bravery of the U. S. military. Time wise we didn't come into WWII until it had been blazing for 3 or four years. Just think what could have happened if we had been as proactive with Adolph as we were with Saddam!
This entry will be short for the first issue. Dedicated to all the Veterans, especially those of WWII who will not be with us for to many more years, an extra dedication to the many from the 60th. Inf Reg., 9th. Inf Div. WWII. Go Devils
Many (who are these many anyway) say that we should not compare this effort to that of WWII. I say that there are many many similarities that need to be compared. Not the least of which is the bravery of the U. S. military. Time wise we didn't come into WWII until it had been blazing for 3 or four years. Just think what could have happened if we had been as proactive with Adolph as we were with Saddam!
This entry will be short for the first issue. Dedicated to all the Veterans, especially those of WWII who will not be with us for to many more years, an extra dedication to the many from the 60th. Inf Reg., 9th. Inf Div. WWII. Go Devils
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