Monday, November 12, 2007

Things that are done & Unamerican

Three things that are done and qualify-Redacted, Rosie and no English language. Rosie you are so done, finished, over with. You 15 min of fame are over. No one but the fanatics want to hear your dribble. Anti American, Anti Troop, Anti Human. Go away to someplace that we don't have to view you or hear you. What you say is irrelevant, uneducated, and just plane incorrect and wrong.

Redacted-don't go to see it, don't pay for it, boycott it. It is tripe. Protest it. What crap

To those that do not want to use the English language here in the U.S.A in public discourse or business transaction. Go home. Can you imagine if one of us were to protest in Mexico that the locals would not speak English for us. That would last long. To the LA school board that wants to hold its meeting in Spanish-don't, cant shouldn't. If you want to hold your public meeting in a language that is not the accepted language of the country-go to the country that accepts that language, and get out of mine.

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