Friday, November 30, 2007

Catch Up

I need to catch up since it has been some time since my last entry, probably around Thanksgiving. A few points of interest.

I purchased a T-Shirt during a recent visit to the Pentagon. Get this-the label says, knitted in the USA, Assembled in Honduras. Assembled?? I cant believe that there is that much savings to put the cloth together in another country, especially when you consider packaging, shipping etc. in both directions, there and back. What a great place to visit, Washington DC. Everyone needs to go there at least one time in your life.

I see where the Democrats once again have stepped up and done the right thing. Now they will fund the troops and include a time table to pull out. Haven't you tried that before? They must like that VETO stamp. An how, pray tell, do they think that the limitation of funds will have "no impact to troop readiness until 3/2008"? Once again that wind bag Murtha speaks but nothing comes out. We aren't worried about readiness, we are worried about current time. Today and tomorrow John.

Who was it that stated that the border fence would be an environmental disaster? Next they will try to tell us that we will need to get carbon credits for the big foot print.

The world needs to prop up the government of Abbas and show the Palestinians in Gaza what peaceful life and economy can be like. Maybe then they will get rid of that Hamas scum that is holding them hostage. Much like the East/West Berlin situation, someday the Gaza will join society in a peaceful way, if the people rise up and dump them. In the meantime, those in the West Bank will enjoy the fruits of freedom and a peaceful life.

As a note on the Holiday season, Wal-Mart must be doing something right. We shop there, and they are profitable.

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