Saturday, April 18, 2009

more Change

We can only hope that the change that is coming will be a change back to conservative values, fiscal responsibility and soundness, military security, and common sense, since we see none of that in the "new" administration.

Once again the vetting process for the current administration has failed. Now it is the car czar who is linked to fed and state probes of kickbacks. Doesn't the Obama admin. know anyone who is not tainted??

Janet the DHS leader-we all feel so safe with her at the helm-is now back peddling on the terrorist report. Wait is there still anyone or anything allowed to be called terrorist? It is nice to know that even I am considered a threat-support gun rights, against abortion, against all this taxation. I feel sorry for all of our vets coming home with that label on them. It tells you just what the admin. thinks of them.

Another great move to improve the security of the country. Lets publish our secrets so the enemy can figure out how to defeat us. Why is it when a few whiny liberals like the ACLU want something the Obama house goes out of the way to get it for them but when it relates to our protection it doesn't matter.

I see where a panel of 3, yes only 3, judges, has reversed the Bush admin. allowing drilling off shore off Alaska coast. It seems that they didn't properly study the environmental impact. Want to bet? What crap that is.

Speaking of ornamental impact, that is the logic that the courts have now used to ban loaded concealed guns into national parks. The admin. will not appeal that order but will conduct a full enviormental review. As if my concealed pistol has any effect on the environment. The poor excuse for a judge-Colleen Kollar-Kotelly said officials failed to evaluate its possible environmental impacts, as required by law. Another liberal dictum shrouded in false cover using a lame excuse to back it off. What is it with people that use two last names, or is it just me?? We are going to be environmentally restricted. Soon we will have our breathing restricted to certain hours because of the effect on the ozone layer or global warming or what ever. Watch out for those gas emissions people.

It wasn't bad enough to bow, yes it was a bow Mr. Gibbs, to a foreign leader now we shake hands and smile with Chavez? When will you learn. I pointed out before that on the job training in politics is especially not for a President. All his rhetoric is doing us so well with North Korea, China, and just so many other places to numerous to write about.

Change is coming, and not to soon. The elections are not that far away. We can clean house (and senate) and put some sound minds in the right jobs.

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